The unbearable sweetness of the ICCL
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The RSS-file
There are lots of programs out there that support the "RDF Site Summary"-files. Some of the most known programs include The Ximian Evolution in Linux and Samurize in Windows. ICCL's RSS-file provides you the links to the latest strips and the time remaining until the next strip is released.

Plain text version
If you're into writing a script for your IRC-client, bot or your whatever, you might be interested the information provided by the RSS-file, but in a nice, clean plain-text file.

Browser sidebar
Most of the modern browsers feature a sidebar to aid you keeping track of your favorite sites. ICCL's sidebar provides you the time until the next strip, links to the latest ten strips and the content of news box.


Live bookmarks
Our site is Live bookmarks enabled. To use them, you need Firefox 1.0 or newer. You can add ICCL's live bookmarks by clicking the RSS icon at the lower right corner and selecting 'subscribe' from the menu.

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