The unbearable sweetness of the ICCL
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One whole year of ICCL

After I released the very first ICCL episode, I told my IRC-buddy Kr_en, "You know, I really like drawing these". He told me to wait until I had made my 50th strip. That happened somewhere around 6 months ago, and only thing that has changed back then was that I liked drawing comics even more. And now one year later? I just can't stop. I had the honour of meeting one of the Keenspot stars online once, and he said he probably likes making comics more than reading them. And I think exactly how that feels. I really hope you have enjoyed the past year, and I can assure you this is only going to get better. We've finally got to the second part of the story, where the actual background story starts taking bigger steps, and we now know almost everyone from the main cast. So, keep reading and tell your friends about it.

Now is the perfect time to sign our guestbook and tell me what do you think of the comic.


Marker Mark this strip Move to marked strip How does this thing work? The happy legal text - (C) APz
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