Zap goes the Ericsson (1.16/07)
When I was finishing up the 4th panel, I thought I smelled something burning. Just seconds after the "what's cooking"-thought, my display went blank. The old NVidia Geforce 256 had committed a suicide.
 I got a new card the next day only to realize that also rest of the machine was pretty much done for. So I'm now trying to hunt for a new machine...
UPDATE! My friend Skraba sold me an old AthlonXP-based machine! Many, many thanks to him for it! ICCL will continue as I get 3DS Max to run under Wine.
ANOTHER UPDATE! I'm getting close now .. really close...

YET ANOTHER UPDATE!!! I gave up on 3DS Max, which was still unusable under Wine. I moved to Linux native Maya instead. Now the 2D and 3D are there, it's just matter of sorting out some 3DS to Maya problems...